The Omnet App is made exclusively for our subscribers.It can be used for Android OS 2.3 and later. Using this app an existing Omnet subscribers would be able to:
Renew broadband account :
A subscriber can renew broadband account by clicking on the renew now button on the home screen. Payment can be done through credit / debit card, net banking or can put in a payment pickup request to the collection team for making a cash or cheque payment.
Upgrade existing broadband package :
A subscriber can upgrade existing broadband package by clicking on the Upgrade Package button on the home screen. Following options are available
Next renewal :
Subscriber package will be scheduled for upgrade when his current plan expires.
Immediate :
Subscriber package will be upgraded to the chosen plan with immediate effect and no adjustment in the amount.
Conversion :
Subscriber package will be upgraded to the chosen plan with immediate effect and with adjustment in the amount previously paid on a pro-rata basis.
Put in a payment pickup request :
Subscriber can put in a payment pickup request with the company. A date and time can be selected through the option and the same is captured and conveyed to the collection team for further action.
Register a complaint :
Subscriber can launch a complaint through the app.
Get notifications :
All notifications related to renewal reminders, pickup request status, complaint status and value added services will be visible under the notifications tab of the app.
Self Resolution:
Self resolution helps you to identify your problem and resolve it too. You can now resolve your incorrect password , log off and mac id issues here. You can also launch a complaint from here in case your are unable to resolve the issue on your own.